Site Map
The home-collections page has links to photographs grouped into eight collections (just scroll down the page). Each photograph is in only one collections. There is some arbitrariness in making assignments (for example, many pictures that show humans in some fashion are not included in People), but such is life. The pictures are listed chronologically by year and alphabetically within each year.
The People collection includes four portfolios of photographs with specific themes: (1) a Soho Photo Gallery show called Before We March—An American Moment, (2) Coney Island, (3) New York City funerals in early 2022 for two slain policemen, Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora, and (4) a Soho Photo Gallery show, Germany, 1970..
Each photograph is captioned with a name and the year in which it was taken (and with a few exceptions where it was taken). The Index lists all of the photographs alphabetically and shows the collection to which they are assigned.
Recent work is a listing in chronological order of photographs shown in a collection on the site that were taken in (approximately) the last 12 months. It’s an easy way for those who have been to the site before to see if there is anything new.
About the Artist discusses (unsurprisingly) the artist, and his thoughts, both technical and artistic, about the work.
Contact is how you can get in touch with him for information about buying prints or other uses of the photographs (it can be a pleasant experience, just try).
The footer has links to facebook and instagram pages for those who like that kind of thing. The web site is a better place to explore the work.
Steps in Green and Blue, Atlantic Beach, NY, 2009 – Design/Patterns and Curves